Monday, December 13, 2010

Here or There?

I've blogged here for about nearly five years. I started blogging there less when I was asked by Travis Johnson to help him run what was then Progressive Republicans and then Republicans United. Republicans United has morphed into Big Tent Revue and I had hoped it would become an active group blog. That hasn't happened. I'm not a good a salesman when it comes to plugging a blog, much less asking folks to join as co-bloggers.

So, I'm wondering if I should just make Big Tent Revue my primary blog or it down and go back to regular blogging at NeoMugwump. I'd love to get your opinion on this. Let me know.


Solomon Kleinsmith said...

Not to throw a wrench in your thinking process here, but I'd be interested in having a right leaner join the team at Rise of the Center.

Paul W said...

what's the traffic numbers like?

P.S. any comment on DADT repeal?

Solomon Kleinsmith said...

I don't give out exact numbers, you can check out these external services that measure that kind of thing:

Alexa seems higher than it should be, and Compete is a bit low. With the search ads I have up, I actually lose a bit of money each month on the site. Not the Daily Beast or anything, haha, but we're growing.

Don't wanna dog on Big Tent, I'm actually a fan. You wouldn't be making a mistake if you went either way I don't think. They're more moderate republican/conservative there, while I'm putting together a team that ranges from moderate liberal to moderate conservative, and centrist independents of course.

Bill Hawthorne said...


My name is Bill Hawthorne and I am a political blogger. Just had a question about your blog and couldn’t find an email—please get back to me as soon as you can (barbaraobrien(at)
