Monday, April 23, 2007

The "And" Theory of Conservatism

You, sometimes I think I was born on the wrong continent.

Don't get me wrong, I like livin' in the USA, but I am pretty upset about the state of American conservatism. My right of center brethern accross the pond have a understanding of governing than the current leadership of the GOP.

Via Andrew Sullivan, I came across the website, Conservative Home, which kind of takes on the whole compassionate conservatism that Bush was touting back in 2000, but it's more than just a slogan.

If you have some time, read the entry on the "And Theory of Conservatism."

* A commitment to actively support healthy, traditional marriages and fair pension and inheritance arrangements for gay adults…
* A bigger budget for the armed forces and an end to the sale of arms to despotic regimes…
* Faster, longer imprisonment of repeat offenders and more care for the vulnerable children of prisoners...
* A willingness to confront the Islamic roots of global terrorism and and more opportunities for mainstream British Muslims to set up state-funded schools...

The problem with the current GOP is that it is pretty happy only reaching the base (known as the "Karl Rove strategy"). But the thing is, you need more than the base to win. Will the GOP presidential candiates be willing to reach beyond the base and embrace...the "and?"

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